Welcome to My New Website!
This is sooo exciting, new, refreshing, and fitting!! For a long long long time now, I have been wanting to create a website that perfectly represents my dedication to become a better person everyday. I didn't grow up in a rodeo family, I wasn't born into opportunities within the rodeo world. I did this on my own and I yet still remain fearless in the pursuit of even my biggest goals (fearless most of the time- but that's part of the realism of my journey). Throughout my (many) years on social media, I have found that the only way to really speak to people, anyone, is by being raw and genuine. This website is going to embody that realism and show you that I live an imperfect life too. But it's all about how I react to the lows and even highs that defines my success. I want to show you that if I can do it, you can too.
That's pretty deep. But essentially that's what I want my legacy to be. This website will include blogs that represent my everyday lifestyle and tips, as well as showcasing my product collections, my horses (personal and in training), and much more. Don't forget to submit your email in the "Newsletter" box below to receive a notification anytime I post a blog, an update, or am having any sales!
I am so excited about this new chapter in our journey together! Thank you for all of your continued support, I can't wait for you to see what I have in store!
xoxo HB