HB Barrel Racing Planners Proudly Announces NEW IGTV Series!
Ohhh this is SO exciting. As you may or may not know, one of my biggest passions is to shine light on everyday cowgirls who have inspiring, motivating, and empowering stories, but don't get the recognition they deserve. This plays a huge part in my personal motivation behind having brand ambassadors for the HB Planners, for doing my best to inspire cowgirls like me to live their best life, andddd to create this brand. new. series!!! It is my honor and pleasure to announce that HB Barrel Racing Planners will be releasing a brand new series all about the daily lives of everyday cowgirls!!! This is a major passion project that I have a huge vision for. So if you guys want to be a part of this journey, head over to the @HBBarrelRacingPlanners Instagram, this WEDNESDAY!! That's right, starting this week, we will be releasing a #WCW episode every. single. Wednesday! This week's guest: our very own Savannah Dreyer <3
We are so excited for you guys to watch this series, and who knows, maybe make your own video someday!!
xoxo HB